Cato Manor

Cato Manor

Cato Manor


Cato Manor is a working-class area located 7 kilometres from the city centre of Durban, South Africa. It was formed when Indian market gardeners came to settle in the area some time after it was given to George Christopher Cato in 1865, who was the first mayor of Durban in 1854.

cato manor

Cato Manor
Cato Manor

What happened at Cato Manor?

On 23 January 1960, a mob attacked 4 white and 5 black policemen at the Cato Manor Police station; they killed the men and mutilated their bodies.

What happened in Cato Manor in 1959?

On the afternoon of Wednesday, 17 June 1959, a demonstration was staged at the Cato Manor Beer Hall by a group of African women who destroyed beer and drinking utensils. The women were dispersed by the police and the beer hall was closed. The police remained on guard throughout the night.

What is the history of Cato Manor?

History of Cato Manor

Among them was the Nqondo clan who were replaced by the Ntuli clan in 1730. The township was named after Durban’s first Mayor, George Christopher Cato. In 1843 the land which later became Cato Manor was given to him as compensation for another portion of land previously used for military purposes.

What are the strengths of Cato Manor?

It offered the chance to enable poorer people to live closer to the city centre and its many opportunities for work, education, health care, shopping and recreation. The sensitivity surrounding Cato Manor makes it important to the people of Durban at large.

Cato Manor