Bishop Lavis

Bishop Lavis

Bishop Lavis


Bishop Lavis is a suburb of Cape Town, located 15 kilometres east of the city centre near Cape Town International Airport. It had, as of 2001, a population of 44,419 people, of whom 97% described themselves as Coloured, and 90% spoke Afrikaans while 9% spoke English.

bishop lavis

Bishop Lavis
Bishop Lavis

What suburb does Bishop Lavis fall under?

The site constitutes part of the town centre of Bishop Lavis, a low density Cape Flatssuburb just north of Cape Town International Airport and some 14 km outside Cape Town CBD.

How did Bishop Lavis get its name?

COPY ARTICLE ON LIFE OF BISHOP SIDNEY WARREN LAVIS (1873-1965) OF BATH, c 1984. He moved to Cape Town South Africa in 1898; Dean of Cape Town 1928; Bishop 1931. Township of Bishop Lavis in South Africa is named after him.

When and by who was Bishop Lavis founded?

Bishop Lavis is cwned and administered by the Citizens’ Housing League, a non-profit welfare organisation, which certain religious groups concerned abcut the housing and welfare of the citizens of greater Cape Town, started in 1927. Bishop Lavis developed in phases and the first 400 houses were built in 1941.

Is Bishop Lavis urban or rural area?

Bishop Lavis is a suburb of Cape Town, located 15 kilometers east of the city centre near Cape Town International Airport.

Bishop Lavis